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  • A person (students especially) will only learn a language if they have the desire to and put in the effort.

  • Students also need a stress-free environment where they feel safe to experiment with the language and make mistakes.

  • When teachers incorporate technology, it peaks students' interest and keeps them engaged in their learning.

  • Technology gives them a tool that they are comfortable using and enjoy.

    • ​(Diallo, 2014)

  • Students can practice and repeat at their own pace.

  • ​Apps are available that allow students to play language games and interact with the language.

  • Students can communicate with native speakers and other teachers anonymously so they do not feel self-conscious or worried about not knowing what to say.

  • Students can use social media or other popular sites to help them read and write in ways they are familiar with in English.

    • (Diallo, 2014)



Learning a Language
How Technology Helps English Language Learners

(Diallo, p. 16, 2014)

"Technology can help ELLs build self-confidence, reduce anxiety, and acquire the language faster than learners who are in a stressful and less motivating environment"

Technology and English Language Learners

Barriers ELL Students Face when Working with Technology

  • The most obvious challenge is the language barrier. In America, most computers will be set in English and even students who are doing well in learning the language may get lost and confused because computer lingo and programs will not be vocabulary they have learned.

  • Many ELLs do not have access to computers or internet at home, so they are not able to spend free time getting familiar with the tools as other kids do.

  • ​​Lack of resources available to ELLs. While there are growing numbers of apps and websites for learning a language, there could be more. 

    • ​(Knutson, 2014)

The above video is a digital story I created based on the topic of Technology, ELL, and Speech. It may also be accessed directly from youtube by following this link.

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